- hiya'
- Again; temporarily; for a short while (idiomatic).
- hiyok
- Type of fish--family acanthuridae.
- ho'ye
- Accept; agree; promise; grant request.
- hoben
- Young; immature; inexperienced. Youthfully fresh or vigorous in body, mind, or feeling.
- hobenes
- Youngsters.
- hobensita
- Teen-ager; youth; adolescence. (male)
- hobensitu
- Teen-ager; youth; adolescence. (female)
- hobentut
- Adolesence.
- hoda
- Type of plant--ficus tinctoria. Type of tree--used as medicine for treatment of sor throat.
- hoe'
- Hello; call for someone.
- hoflak
- Lick; draw or pass the tongue over; lap.
- hoggue
- Carry--something in the arms.
- hokka
- Collect; pick; infer; gather; assemble; pick up.
- hokkok
- adjective. to run out of something; to have used up all of something; to have no more of something;
- hokse
- verb. Hold down; press down; pin down to prevent movement or being blown away.
- Holåndes
- Dutch; Holland.
- homhom
- adjective. Dark; dim; obscure; dusky; gloomy; not light-colored; bleak.
- homhom uchan
- Rain clouds.
- homlo'
- Heal; revive; recover (from sickness).
- homme
- Overshaddow; hide; block (the view); break the natural course of light, vision, etc.
- homme
- Awning; shade.
- hommon
- Lava rock; rock--large; lava.
- hongang
- Scare; frighten; menace; threaten.
- hongga
- Audible; be heard.
- hongge
- Believe; trust; have faith or confidence; accept as true.
- honggiyon
- Believable.
- honggo'
- Cut off (bunch of bananas).
- hopba
- Lick; draw or pass the tongue over; lap.
- hopyat
- Rub; wash (by rubbing); scrub (with a cloth).
- hosgon
- Jealous.
- hosguan
- adjective. envious. jealous.
- hosme
- Attend; be present.
- hota
- J--letter.
- hotde
- Scamper; ascend; mount.
- hotkon
- Pillar--a column to support a building, usually extending from ground to floor of building.
- hotma
- To mold; shape something.
- hotma
- Mold--such as a jello mold or cake pan.
- hotnåleru
- Laborer; helper; day laborer.
- hotnat
- Labor; work; job; employment; manual labor; hard work.
- hotne
- Pierce; thread (needle); lace shoes.