- hima
- noun. Giant Clam -- various bivalve mollusks (venus mercenaria).
- hina
- Poison.
- hinafa
- Thing; object.
- hinaga'
- Dysentery.
- hinaga'
- Leaves turning red in plant crops, and is considered a bad sign for harvesting crops.
- hinagong
- Breath; breathing; respiration.
- hinågua
- Rinse (in clean water); wash out.
- hinanao
- Trip; voyage; journey; excursion; traveling.
- hinanom
- Watery.
- hinanon
- Scorched.
- hinasnguni
- Malice; mischief.
- hinasso
- Thought; conception; imagination; cogitation; reflection; opinion; idea; memory; mind; intellect.
- hinatme
- Invasion; saturation.
- hinatme månglo'
- Flatulence.
- hinekka
- Harvest; gathering.
- hineksa'
- Cooked rice.
- hineksa' agaga'
- Red rice; rice cooked with red coloring from the seed of the achoti. Usually served at parties.
- hinemhom
- Darkness; darkened.
- hinemlo'
- Recovery; restoration to health.
- hinengge
- Belief; faith; creed; notion; inclination.
- hineño'
- Maltreatment; oppression.
- hingao
- Hairless (body); not bushy; not hairy; featherless.
- hiniebra
- Gin.
- hinigua
- Disaster; calamity; storm; small typhoon.
- hinila
- Strand--of rope.
- hinilat
- Overpowered; overcome; subdued.
- hiniyong
- Effect; consequence.
- hipokrisia
- Hypocrisy; pretending to have a character (beliefs, principles, etc.) one does not possess.
- hipokrita
- Hypocrite; dissembler. (female)
- hipokritu
- Hypocrite; dissembler. (male)
- hiraffa
- noun. giraffe (animal).
- hirida
- Wound; sore.
- hiridao
- Wounded.
- hisasa
- Drifted away; blown away.
- histora
- History; a narrative of events.
- historia sågråda
- Bible history; sacred history.
- hit
- We--intransitive subject pronoun inclusive; we--transitive subject pronoun with indefinite object (inclusive); us--transitive object pronoun, inclusive.
- hita
- We; us (emphatic, inclusive).
- hiteng
- Type of fish--siganus punctatus (family siganidae). Rabbit fish.
- hiteng
- Type of plant--hippobroma longiflora.