- heddo
- Shrivel; dry up; crumpled up.
- heggao
- Coconut husker--a pointed stick or piece of metal used for removing the husks from coconuts.
- hehgao
- Coconut husker--a pointed stick or piece of metal used for removing the husks from coconuts.
- hekkua'
- Doubt; don't know; uncertainty of mind; lack of decision. (Informal)
- hektaria
- Hectare; acre.
- hemi
- Measure; unit of measure from tip of index finger to tip of thumb.
- hemmot
- Cram; stuff; fill full; press; compress; jam tightly; pack in; overcrowd; crumple; wad.
- hemplo
- Story; tale; episode; occurrence; happening; event.
- henerasion
- Generation.
- henerat
- In general; general--as in the rank of armed forces.
- henia
- Temperament; disposition; mood; humor. (female)
- henio
- Temperament; disposition; mood; humor. (male)
- hentan
- Get; obtain.
- hentra
- Mention; make known; speak of; inform; discuss; refer to.
- hereria
- noun. 1) smithy; blacksmith's workshop 2) blacksmithing, the occupation of blacksmithing, the blacksmith trade.
- hereru
- noun. blacksmith; a person who works with objects made of iron.
- Hesuitas
- Jesuit.
- hetbåna
- Mend; patch--clothing.
- hibiyas
- Buckle.
- higadu
- noun. liver (anatomy)
- higai
- Woven palm leaves; roof of coconut palm; thatched rof.
- higånte
- adjective. giant; huge.
noun. a giant (of myth); a huge person.
- higef
- Surprise; catch (in the act); any criminal caught by surprise; capture secretly.
- higef
- Crush; squeeze.
- higos
- Type of plant--ficus cairica. Fig plant.
- higu
- Type of plant--ficus cairica.
- hihina
- Poisoner--one who or that which poisons.
- hihot
- Near; close; almost; within; a little distance (in place or time). Usually followed by gi.
- hikåmas
- Type of plant--pachyrrhizus erosus. Type of fruit--grows under soil. Jicama.
- hikåra
- Type of plant--crescentia alata.
- hila
- Make strand from fiber for purpose of making rope.
- hila' guaka
- Type of plant--nopalea cochinel. Cochineal cactus.
- hila'gue
- vt. To stick one's toungue out as a gesture of rudeness.
- hilachas
- Shreds--of cloth; small pieces of leftover cloth.
- hilengga
- noun. suppository.
- hilenggua I båka
- Type of plant--euphorbia neriifolia. A type of flower.
- hilitai
- Lizard (large monitor lizard); iguana.
- hilo'
- See hulo'.
- hilon chotda
- Basting thread.
- hilu
- String; twine; cord.